Friday, July 25, 2008

Hiking Through Kata Juta

This is Kata Juta seen from a lookout point about 30 minutes away from Kata Juta and Uluru (also know as Ayers Rock).
Uluru (Ayers Rock) seen from the same lookout point.
This is the last photo I have of Cody and Trevor for the hike through Kata Juta, because once the hike started, they left us in the dust and I still haven't gotten copies of the photos they took.
Kata Juta - Aborginal word meaning "Many Heads".
This is spinifex, and indigenous plant in the Outback. It has a high content of oil, which makes it very flammable. We used it to help start our campfire each night. Aborginal people use it to do a controlled burn of certain areas on a cycle to increase food production.
Here is what Kata Juta looks like close up. We had a hard time capturing the massiveness of these rock formations with our puny little point and shoot camera.
Leigh Anne at Kata Juta.
Damon at Kata Juta.

Enormous rock formations.
Beautiful scenery in Kata Juta.

Love this shot.

Can't really tell from the photo, but this was a very steep downhill section.
At the end of the hike, Cody and Trevor pitched in and helped make wrap sandwiches.

1 comment:

ItsOverJonny said...

Awesome pics!