Thursday, July 24, 2008

Alice Springs - Outback

Trevor playing the Digeredoo, an instrument crafted and played by the indigenous Aboriginal people of Australia.
Signpost in Todd Mall in the center of Alice Springs.
Random pub in Alice Springs.
Annie's Place - hostel we stayed at in Alice Springs. Very sparse accomodations. The boys weren't impressed the first night, but after the outback trip, it seemed quite nice.
Dinner in the pub at Annie's Place before the Outback trip. Trevor - Damon - Cody

Cody and Trevor with some of the gals from Annie's Place.
Trevor, Leigh Anne, Damon and Cody - night before the Outback trip.
Cody tried lots of new things on this trip, but vodka was one he did not care for.
First night camping in the Outback - Curtain Springs. We had to gather firewood on the way and tie it to the top of the trailer.
Trevor at the campsite.

Everyone pitched in helping to cook all the meals - the guy next to Trevor is our guide - Beej.
Cody's turn.
Trevor and LA by the campfire.
Trevor and Cody - outback camping, Curtain Springs.
Damon and Trevor - Curtain Springs.

Cody and LA - he likes beer a little better. We stopped at the pub in Curtain Springs and bought beer for the bargain price of $60 for a case. Damon was in beer price shock for most of the trip.
We slept around the campfire in swags, shown below. It was freezing at night - below 32 degrees F - crazy. Getting up in the middle of the night, not so fun. (Cody)
But we fell asleep watching the stars, which was awesome. (Trevor)
Up before dawn the next morning, shivering by the fire. Curtain Springs is a cattle station that has more than one million acres.
Sunrise at Curtain Springs.

Sunrise at Curtain Springs - absolutely gorgeous.
Camp the next morning before rolling up the swags.
Curtain Springs cattle station - reminded us of West Texas.
This is the bus we drove in six hours on the first and third day and plenty in between.
After the Outback trip, we had dinner with our group in a pub called Toddy's. Trevor and Cody both entered a contest for playing the Digeridoo - being in band back home helped, I think.

Back at Annie's Place after the Outback trip was over, we partied with friends from the trip from Ireland, Germany and France.
I LOVE this picture - Damon getting his beer on in a pub at Annie's Place.
We both were a bit hungover the next day.
Bar at Annie's Pub - decorated with real front pages of the local newspaper. Probably worth clicking on the pic for the larger view to read some of them.

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